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Jody and Chelsey literally gave me back my hope!

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Myofascia Pain Syndrome following a serious motor vehicle accident. I tried every type of treatment you can imagine including the use of muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories and pain medication to help manage my pain and improve range of motion. I also did physio, chiropractic adjustments, massage and acupuncture along with Botox injections to help unfreeze my muscles. As part of my recovery, every specialist emphasized how critical it was for me to move and incorporate yoga and exercise in general in order to help with the pain and stiffness from the fibromyalgia and myofascia pain syndrome. Nothing really seemed to improve the pain and stiffness and I really saw no way to ever come off all the medication I was taking for pain management. I really started to accept the fact that my life would forever be dictated by my pain levels. Fast forward, almost 10 years and one of my good friends recommended that I look into neurofeedback as another avenue to help with pain management. I had no idea what neurofeedback was, but I quickly learned that it was a non-invasive approach to healing the brain and resetting the central nervous system thus allowing a whole body reset. At this point, I had literally tried everything to manage my chronic pain, migraines, sleep issues and nothing provided consistent, long term relief, so I thought even though neurofeedback wasn’t really a treatment specifically developed for treating Fibromyalgia, the fact that it works with the brain and the central nervous system I was willing to try it. I thought if all it helped with was to decrease the frequency of my migraines and improve my sleep then it would be a win in my book. I had my consultation and first brain scan with Jody and it was evident that there was a lot going on; I happened to have a migraine at the time of the original brain scan and the scan picked up on this. Within my first four hours (two sessions), I noticed an improvement in my range of motion in my neck and shoulders, which both excited me and surprised me. As I went through the 5 weeks of treatment protocol to complete the initial 20 hours of brain training, I noticed the following: for the first time in 12 years, the amount of pain and stiffness was greatly diminished; I was no longer having numbness and tingling in my hands and feet (a minor flare symptom of fibro), and I was actually able to sleep throughout the whole night. I also had so much more energy because gone was the fibro fog and chronic fatigue that was my new normal after my accident. I had more energy than I had had in years and I didn’t seem to require more than 5-6 hours of sleep to feel refreshed and ready to go. By the end of the 20 hours of neurofeedback, I was able to come off all my pain meds and the only thing that I was taking was my rapid response migraine meds when I had a migraine. However, even my migraines were dramatically improved. Before neurofeedback, I had a migraine every day of everyday despite a 3-tiered treatment approach from the neurologist. Nothing including both Botox and Aimovig made any difference in the frequency or severity of my migraines. I mentioned this to Chelsey and Jody and they mentioned that they could add a headache protocol to my neurofeedback treatment sessions to see if that helped. Within a few sessions with the dedicated headache protocol, my migraines decreased to only about 8-10 headache days a month now, which is a substantial improvement. Neurofeedback changed my life; it really gave me back my life. My body feels like it did before my accident, which I never thought would be possible! I know that my case is complex with the fibro, anxiety, ptsd and migraines and that my brain continued to improve even after my sessions were done. The best part of neurofeedback is that it’s not a one—and -done treatment or even a one-size-fits all approach and because of the way Jody and Chelsey were able to tailor my treatments to my specific needs, I finally saw the relief that no other treatment was able to provide. The best part is is that if I notice that I have some flare-up symptoms or when life gets extra stressful and I notice that I don’t feel quite as awesome as I did, I can always book a follow-up session to help get me back to feeling my best. Jody and Chelsey literally gave me back my hope!

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